Cookies Policy and Terms of Use


This website uses cookies from third parties and our own to provide you with a better navigation experience, help you share content on your social media, and for us to get statistics on users. You may avoid downloading cookies through your browser’s settings, preventing cookies from being stored on your device. As the owner of this website, we inform you that we do not use any personal information coming from cookies; we only draft general statistics on visits which do not carry any personally identifiable information. It is very important to read this cookies policy for you to understand that if you continue to use our website, we shall consider you agree to their use.

Responsible Entity

The entity responsible for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data in the terms set out by the Personal Data Protection Act is:

Amhsa Marina Hotels & Resorts

Phone: 809 562 7475

Address: Los Pinos St No 7, La Julia, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


What are cookies?

Cookies are little data stored in text files which are stored on your computer or other device when websites are viewed on a browser. They are widely used to “remember” you and your preferences, either for a one-time visit (through a “session cookie”) or for manifold repeated visits (using a “persistent cookie”). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors and carry out fundamental actions such as allowing users to sign up and keep them connected. Cookies may be established by the site you are visiting (known as “origin cookies”) or at other websites which publish contents on this site (“third parties’ cookies”). Many of the cookies we use are only set if a visitor is a registered user, while others are established for all visitors on certain occasions.

Cookies we use

Please find below a description of each cookies category in use, with illustrative examples (including those used both for registered and non-registered users).

Strictly necessary
These cookies are essential for the website to display its basic functions. These include those necessary to allow registered users to authenticate and carry out activities related to their account, as well as to store the on-line “charts” content which have an electronic commerce functionality.

These cookies are used to store preferences set by users such as account name, language, and location. They are not used to track visitors on websites which are not hosted by us.

Performance cookies collect information on how users interact with the websites, including which pages are the most visited, as well as other analytical data. This data is only used to upgrade the operation of a website.

These cookies are used to display relevant advertising to visitors, as well as tracking the quantity of visitors. They do a tracking on the visitors’ data, such as the number of single visitors, the number of times certain ads have been displayed, the number of clicks having been received and they are also used to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns creating users’ profiles. These are established by automatic and trustworthy networks by third parties and, in general, their persistent cookies.

Third parties/embedded content
The websites use different third parties’ applications and services to improve the visitors’ experience on the website. These include social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram (using share buttons). As a result, cookies may be established by these third parties and used by them to track your on-line activity. We do not have direct control over the information collected by these cookies

How to manage cookies on your computer

Most browsers allow you to manage cookies saved on your computer. You can set your browser to refuse cookies or delete certain cookies. You may also be able to manage other technologies in the same way that you manage cookies – using your browser’s preferences. Please note that if you choose to block cookies, this may impair or prevent the website from functioning correctly.